亚马逊审核汽油和汽油动力驱动泵标准UL 79A测试报告 | |
亚马逊审核汽油和汽油动力驱动泵标准UL 79A测试报告 STANDARD FOR SAFETY Power-Operated Pumps for Gasoline and Gasoline/Ethanol Blends with Nominal Ethanol Concentrations up to 85 Percent (E0一E85) UL Standard for Safety for Power-Operated Pumps for Gasoline and Gasoline/Ethanol Blends with Nominal Ethanol Concentrations up to 85 Percent (E0- E85), UL 79A This revision ANSI/UL 79A revises the Moist Ammonia-Air Stress Cracking Test. The revised requirements are substantially in accordance with Proposal(s) on this subject dated March 18,2016 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of UL. UL provides this Standard "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. In no event will UL be liable for any special, incidental, consequential, indirect or similar damages。 安全标准:汽油和汽油动力驱动泵 汽油/乙醇与标称乙醇的混合物 浓度高达85%(E0一E85) UL汽油和汽油/乙醇混合物动力驱动泵的安全标准 标称乙醇浓度高达85%(E0-E85),UL 79A 此修订版ANSI / UL 79A修订了湿氨气应力开裂测试。 修订后的要求基本上符合2016年3月18日关于此主题的提案版权所有。本出版物的任何内容均不得复制,存储在检索系统中,或通过电子,机械影印,记录或其他方式以任何形式传输未经UL事先许可。 UL按“原样”提供此标准,不提供任何形式的明示或暗示担保,包括但不限于: 不限于对适销性或适用于任何目的的默示保证。 对于任何特殊的,偶然的,后果性的,间接的或类似的损害,UL概不负责 | |
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