双语播音 | |
1.Can you tell the story of Yugong moving mountains and get some inspiration 你能不能讲述一下愚公移山这个故事并且得到了什么启示 2.men is the soul of the universe what do you think of this sentence 人是宇宙的灵魂,你觉得这句话怎么样 3. Rome wasn't built in a day 罗马不是一天建成的 4. If you are explaining an international book exhibition please tell us about a Chinese novel and its author 如果你是个国际书展的讲留,请给大家讲一本中国的小说和它的作者 5. What is the most difficult subject for you at schoo 你在学校最难的学科是什么 6. carve on gunwale of a movine boat 刻舟求剑 7.Blood is thicker than water 血浓于水 | |
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