安捷伦DSA90604A 收购新旧 Agilent85131F | |
安捷伦DSA90604A 收购新旧 Agilent85131F 欧阳R:13537229325 QQ: 1226365851 回收工厂或个人、库存闲置、二手仪器及附件。 长期 供应 销售、维修、回收 高频 二手仪器。 温馨提示:如果您找不到联系方式,请在浏览器上搜索一下,旺贸通仪器仪 85131F Flexible Cable Set, 3.5 mm (Test Port) to 3.5 mm 描述 The Agilent 85131F Keysight 85131F is a 62.2 cm (24.5 in) long1 flexible cable set composed of a 3.5 mm female2 to PSC-3.5 mm female connector and a 3.5 mm female2 to a 3.5 mm male connector. Cable frequency range is dc to 26.5 GHz with a return loss greater than or equal to 16 dB. Insertion loss is 0.25 * sqrt(f) + 0.2 dB, where f is frequency in GHz, for the test port connector and 1.5 dB at maximum frequency for the device connector. Phase stability of semi-rigid/flexible cables is specified with a 90 degree bend using a 4 to 3 inch radius. Stability1 of the Keysight 85131F is less than 0.12 dB and phase is 0.13 * f + 0.5, where f is frequency in GHz. 1电缆长度和稳定性是补充特性。 2个特殊的坚固的女连接器是专门为连接到网络分析器测试端口而设计的,但不与标准的男连接器匹配。E5071C dsox3000 n4001a 6060A U1240 n5467a E6704A 34970A 16453A 14565b 11742a 34933 n8975A Y1190A 34401A 33520B 5316B 11901A n6733 N1267A 8620 N9020A 5052B u1271a 6692a 11900 N5302A 3466a 34970 6611c dsax91604a 8510B 89600EDU DSOX4FPGAX 4100 MP-AES e5071c e4416 E8364A 4274A 4412A 5G 955 8960 6634B E3662B 1250-1472 u2356A N1930A n9330B N9030B 8560e flexdca G1329B 87422a b1530 n5434a N9010A 8566B 1161A m8020a dsoxedk 6690a N6854A 34970a N6782A 8662A HP4191A M9391 8362C B2200 E8257D E5346A 16500b 81940 5315 14565a 11500b 34931 E5061b 81578A 33520a M9310A n9916 07673-40180 34401a E2688A E5071b 85036 dsox2022 11982A n8739a E4438C 1253-5826 n9320B J7211 N9071A 8592D 85110A 34401 8591e L7106A HP8921A | |
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