CAT5e和CAT6的水晶頭通用嗎 | |
Are the CAT5e and CAT6 crystal heads compatible? From the specification point of view, although the materials of Panduit Netkey Cat. 5e UTP Cable and Panduit Netkey Cat. 6 UTP Cable are the same, the two copper cores are different in size. The copper core size of Panduit Netkey Cat. 5e UTP Cable is about 0.45 to 0.5; while the Panduit Netkey Cat. 6 UTP Cable is about 0.52 to 0.58. It can be seen that CAT5e is thinner than the copper core of CAT6. Naturally, there are also holes inside the crystal heads of the two difference. In addition, the arrangement of the Panduit Netkey Cat. 5e UTP Cable and the Panduit Netkey Cat. 6 UTP Cable is also different. The CAT6 crystal heads are arranged in layers, with four on the top and four on the bottom; and the CAT5e crystal heads are arranged in a straight line. Therefore, when purchasing a crystal head, you must find out what type of network cable you use. * * * * * * LIV is a professional data center to set up a company, with a group of professional team intimate attention to customer requirements, and provide quality services. For more information about 'Are the CAT5e and CAT6 crystal heads compatible?',please visit : Address: Unit 4, 4/F., Hung Tai Industrial Building,37-39 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong Tel: +852 3106 3235 | |
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