關於屏蔽布線系統的安裝 | |
屏蔽布線系統具有很強的抵抗外界電磁干擾和射頻干擾能力,同時具有良好的系統安全性。 關於屏蔽布線系統的安裝: 屏蔽布線系統安裝主要涉及兩方面:樓層配線間和工作區的屏蔽電纜端接和系統接地。 針對屏蔽系統的特殊性,一個完整的屏蔽布線系統安裝,必須處處屏蔽,才能達到用戶預期的效果。因此,安裝屏蔽布線系統時,應確保電纜,以及模塊、配線架等都屬於屏蔽配件,同時輔以金屬橋架和管道。 * * * * * * 創世服務有限公司是一間提供專業數據中心架設公司,擁有一群專業團隊貼心地關注客戶的要求,並提供優質的服務。 想了解更多關於「關於屏蔽布線系統的安裝」的內容,請瀏覽創世官網:http://livservices.com.hk 地址: 香港觀塘鴻圖道37-39號鴻泰工業大廈4樓4室 電話:852-31063235 —————— The shielded wiring system has a strong ability to resist external electromagnetic interference and radio frequency interference, and has good system security. About installation of shielded wiring system: The installation of shielded wiring system mainly involves two aspects: the shielded cable termination of the floor wiring room and the work area and the system grounding. In view of the particularity of the shielding system, a complete shielding wiring system installation must be shielded everywhere in order to achieve the desired effect of the user. Therefore, when installing a shielded wiring system, make sure that cables, modules, and distribution frames are shielded accessories, supplemented by metal bridges and pipes. * * * * * * LIV is a professional data center to set up a company, with a group of professional team intimate attention to customer requirements, and provide quality services. For more information about 'About installation of shielded wiring system',please visit : http://livservices.com.hk Address: Unit 4, 4/F., Hung Tai Industrial Building,37-39 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong Tel: +852 3106 3235 | |
相关链接: 暂不显示 面向省市区: 香港特别行政区 (香港广告信息) 面向市区县: 香港觀塘鴻圖道37-39號鴻泰工業大廈4樓4室 最后更新: 2020-01-13 17:02:29 | 发 布 者: 香港創世服務有限公司 联系电话: 852-31063235 电子邮箱: 浏览次数: 232 |